Tag Archives: design

Stefan Sagmeister: “stay small!”

I am a big fan of a Danish architectural firm BIG headed by Bjarke Ingels. Needless to say, I follow their work and read their interviews. Recently, while reading up on their new book ” HOT TO COLD, an odyssey of architectural adaptation” I made another discovery – Stefan Sagmeister! The man is a graphic designer and a partner at  “Sagmeister & Walsh” which worked on a design of “Hot to Cold” book.

Hot to Cold, BIG, Bjarke Ingels
“Hot to Cold” by Bjarke Ingels

I start googling Sagmeister’s work and reading his interviews.  Just like every encounter in life is to teach us something, one specific interview I read was like a guidance from above and an answer to my questions.

Continue reading Stefan Sagmeister: “stay small!”